Rendering Partials With Layouts Recursively in Rails 4

So, gather around and I will tell you a story of a terrible curse. Or not:


Add this to your application helper and use it instead of render whenever there’s a chance you will call a partial and try to wrap it in a layout.

  def inside(options)
    parent_view_flow = view_flow
    self.view_flow =
    output = render options
    self.view_flow = parent_view_flow

Takes the current view_flow, stores it, starts a new one, renders your partial, then puts everything back the way it was

We have to go deeper

###Layouts and Partials

Normally, it’s not so hard to apply a layout to a partial. Why would I apply a layout to a partial ? Am I nuts ? Possibly. Let me explain. Let’s say I have a bunch of things I would like to have similarly formatted = Use case for a layout. Say, you were trying to display something that was self-referencing. Like an Item that has_many items. Yes, that sounds reasonable. The Item object has a ‘name’ property.

rails g scaffold Item name item:references

Now, I warn you, I like haml with a bit o Bootstrap. So that’s how this is going to go down. Let’s say I have a template thus, for rendering one of these thingies and it’s children.


    = content_for :name
    = content_for :contents

And a partial for rendering an Item


-content_for :name do
-content_for :contents do
  = render item.items # this is where it's all going to go horribly wrong
=render partial: 'shared/data_card'

A model.


class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :item
  has_many :items

A bit of a tweak to


=render @item

A little prep in rails console or migrations, whatevs.

Item.create(name: 'bottom_item', item: Item.create(name: 'middle_item', item: Item.create(name: 'top_item')))

Probably need to work on making these names a bit less ‘itemy’

Rails is smart enough to work out what to do at render folder.contents. It’s going to render a collection, calling the folders/_folder partial for each Folder in contents. There is another way to do this. I could call

render partial: 'folder/_folder', layout: 'shared/filesystem_object'

instead. The results would be the same - bitterly disappointing.

Let’s take a look at some screenshots.

My helpful screenshot

Well, that’s what we were HOPING for. But actually this is what you end up with:

My helpful screenshot


Let me tell you WTF. It’s pretty simple. Rails has a thing called view_flow which is an instance of ActionView::OutputFlow. When you do content_for it puts the result of that block into the view_flow.content hash. If content_for gets called multiple times it concatenates the results. Are you feeling me ? So what happens in our example. Well, the following happens:

  • content_for first item’s :name is called.
  • content_for first item’s content is called BUT it has to do this first:
    • content_for second item’s :name is called (uh oh. what’s in the view_flow now ?)
    • content_for second_item’s :content is called BUT it has to do this first: (oh dear lord)
    • etc…
    • render all the crap above that’s been mashed together
  • render all the crap AGAIN

You get the picture…

So get on with it already.

  def inside(options)
    parent_view_flow = view_flow
    self.view_flow =
    output = render options
    self.view_flow = parent_view_flow

This little fella takes a copy of the view_flow and makes a fresh one for your recursive call, and puts it back once the result is computed and output. That stops stuff falling all over itself. How do we use it ? Easy. Let’s refer back to this partial:


= inside(partial: 'layouts/data_card') do
  -content_for :name do
  -content_for :contents do
    = render item.items # this is where it's all going to go swimmingly.

view_flow feels horribly like a global variable, doesn’t it ? Perhaps there’s a way to make it local-er.

Thanks to André Arko for the inspiration for this solution. His solution doesn’t work for multiple content_for sections, but rather has a single yield. This didn’t work for my needs. His explanation helped me work out a refinement of his solution. Also, the format of his article inspired the structure of this one. So, many thanks.